
South School on Internet Governance fellows share their experiences in the IGF 2016 Guadajalara thanks to Amazon Fellowship

The Internet Governance Forum 2016, held in Guadalajara, Mexico, from December 5 to 7, organized by the United Nations, is one of the most important dialogues in the world. Thanks to the Amazon Scholarship Program along with the South School of Internet Governance, SSIG, three graduates of SSIG were able to attend in person and participate in the sessions. Here we share your reports.

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La experiencia INTERCOMMUNITY 2016 Nodo Argentina

El 21 de Septiembre, se realizó INTERCOMMUNITY 2016, organizado por Internet Society, con tres nodos interactivos ubicados en Barbados, México y Argentina. A ello se sumó la participación de otros capítulos que pudieron compartir y comentar sobre la realidad de sus países. Una experiencia única donde se pudo exponer temas y desafíos nacionales, regionales y globales.

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