ARGENSIG 2018: The second Internet Governance School in Argentina will be organized

The second Argentine School of Internet Governance ARGENSIG will be organized in Buenos Aires, October 1 – 3, 2018, in the Manuel Belgrano Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Workship of Argentina.
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The second Argentine School of Internet Governance ARGENSIG will be organized in Buenos Aires, October 1 – 3, 2018, in the Manuel Belgrano Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Workship of Argentina.

Following the successful experience of the first edition of ARGENSIG 2017 and the South School of Internet Governance (organized since 2009 each year in Latin American and Caribbean countries) CCAT LAT together with ENACOM; ISOC Argentina and SSIG; organize once again this space for training and dialogue in Argentina on Internet Governance.

The main objective of ARGENSIG, the Argentine School of Internet Governance is training the future leaders of Internet Governance, in all aspects related to it, from a global perspective, with a national and regional focus.

Participation is free through the request of a fellowship in the ARGENSIG website

There are fellowships for all participants; there are also fellowships with accommodation for participants coming from the interior of Argentina.

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