3.1 Million Domain Names Transferred to New Infrastructure
El INTA San Luis y la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, junto a Internet Society (ISOC) Argentina Chapter y el Centro de Capacitacion en Alta Tecnología para América Latina y El Caribe (CCAT-LAT) convocan a un webinar sobre la convergencia de la tecnología en el agro, para el próximo jueves 17 de mayo, de 3pm a 5:30pm.
En conmemoración al Día de las Niñas en las TIC, se organiza el 1° Global Editathon “Girls in ICT 2018”, principalmente enfocado en hacer que las mujeres en tecnología sean más visibles y para inspirar a las niñas a estudiar carreras técnicas.
Afilias today announced that it is temporarily suspending plans to limit the display of WHOIS data to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) currently scheduled to take effect on 25MAY2018.
A new report published by Verisign, and translated to Spanish by Dominios Latinoamérica, shows the growth rates of the domain name industry and trends, in the Q4 2017. Read the main results in this article:
On March 5, 2018, the “Building Internet of Things” Conference will be held at the Mendoza Regional School – UTN. The speaker is Ing. Sergio Scaglia, founder of the EasyIoT platform, and organized by the R & D GRID-TICS Group of the UTN. Admission is free and open.