South School on Internet Governance fellows share their experiences in the IGF 2016 Guadajalara thanks to Amazon Fellowship

The Internet Governance Forum 2016, held in Guadalajara, Mexico, from December 5 to 7, organized by the United Nations, is one of the most important dialogues in the world. Thanks to the Amazon Scholarship Program along with the South School of Internet Governance, SSIG, three graduates of SSIG were able to attend in person and participate in the sessions. Here we share your reports.
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logo-amazonThe Internet Governance Forum 2016, held in Guadalajara, Mexico, from December 5 to 7, organized by the United Nations, is one of the most important dialogues in the world. Internet representatives collaborate in the multi-stakeholder environment to address issues related to internet development and its impact on different communities around the world.


Thanks to the Amazon Scholarship Program along with the South School of Internet Governance, SSIG, three graduates of SSIG were able to attend in person and participate in the sessions to understand the changes and challenges that the internet represents for the world.


Welcome coctel in IGF2016, with people of Fellowship Program Amazon – SSIG.

We share here their experience about their participation, with a focus on topics of their interest:

David Santivañez – Cyber security in children and adolescents

David-santivanezDavid is a lawyer, Head of the Law Firm of Videogames & e-Sports  in “JJSA ABOGADOS & CONSULTORES S.A.C”. Internet Governance Specialist, Digital Law and Videogame Law, Coordinator of the Academic Blog of the Ibero-American Federation of Law and Informatics Associations (FIADI). He is a graduated from the South School of Internet Governance – Costa Rica 2014. His report has been developed around cybersecurity in children and adolescents.


Read the full report (.pdf)


Beatriz Rodríguez Acosta – Personal data protection

Beatriz-Alonso-IGF2016Lawyer, Director at the Bemaroa Study and Board Member of the Internet Society Uruguay Chapter. Graduated from the South School of Internet Governance – San Pablo 2010.
Its report focuses on the protection of personal data. People are holders of personal data, what is the treatment given to this information during the evolution of technology? What happens if data is affected? The right of data protection is fundamental and countries and laws must ensure its compliance.

Read the full report (.pdf)

Anahí Menéndez –
New questions about Public Policy and Internet Governance

Anahi-Menendez-IGF2016Social Media Manager, Organizer of “Desafios de Internet” Conference in Mendoza 2016 and member of the Internet Society Argentine Chapter, graduated from the Southern School of Internet Governance – OEA in 2016.

Her learning experience was focused in the new challenges presented by the internet in society and public policty. These new challenges will have an impact which will frame future decisions. She focused also in understanding the empowerment of communities along with the use of ICTs.


Read the full report (.pdf)

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